DANGERDUST来自美国俄亥俄州,是一位插画师兼书法艺术家。英语书法往往有着很强的装饰性,配以各种点缀的插图、施与不同的色彩后如海报一 般。我们看到的这个微语录(MicroQuotes)系列是DANGERDUST将一些短的语句根据其内容以图画加文字的方式表达出来作品。经过创作后的 文字仿佛具有了情绪与生命,内容更加直观生动。
“All we are is dust in the wind” – Kerry Livgren | 4.5 x 5 inches
“A good book has no ending.” – Robert Frost | 4 x 4 inches
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is flower.” – Albert Camus | 5 x 5 inches
“If you’re not confused you’re not paying attention.” – Tom Peters | 7 x 7 inches
“There’s more to life than increasing its speed.” – Mahatma Gandhi | 3.5 x 3 inches
“Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.” - Emily Dickinson | 6 x 6 inches
“Geologists have a saying rocks remember” – Neil Armstrong | 4 x 4 inches
“Are you really sure that a floor can’t also be a ceiling?” > - M.C. Escher >| 3 x 4 inches
“Inside all of us is a wild thing” - Maurice Sendak | 35 x 45mm
“I’m restless. Things are calling me away. My hair is being pulled by the stars again.” - Anais Nin | 40 x 45mm
“I can no other answer make but, thanks & thanks” - William Shakespeare | 40 x 24mm
“The rivers flow not past us but through us”- John Muir | 25 x 40mm
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together” – Vincent van Gogh | 29 x 29mm